Monday, January 10, 2011

Thanks Snow Day!

Today was a much needed snow day for us in GA! It sounds awesome to get an excused weekday off at work and time to catch up on's been exactly that. A lazy day. Which can sometimes be a drag for me; especially since I got snowed in alone. Not even my roommate is here. So, it's just been me, the TV, and phone. I've enjoyed catching up on rest and just being lazy tho :)

My weekend was super busy, so this makes up for all of it! I keep busy during the weekends. This weekend I spent much needed time with my mom. We enjoyed shopping (at two malls and little 5 points allll day), chatting, and we even had a sleepover at my house!! Fun times! So today turned out to be a great, chill, much needed bummy day.

While enjoying my day inside, I obviously watched a TON of TV. But I also had time to stop and just have a thinking day. I thought about alot. How I want to become a better person in many different ways. Embracing God/spirituality more, spending more time with my mom, seriously living a healthier lifestyle (working out, eating healthy); really focusing on myself and what I need to do to be a better India. I tend to try to keep myself busy; while being alone is never what I consider "fun". But today was different. I enjoyed it- it was a "self planning" day for me. Making a serious plan for the next month for myself is a step forward for me. Having/making a plan is important with achieving personal success. But this is something I never really did. Even journaling was never something I did as a kid. I've just always been kind of "go with the flow" and i definitely don't recommend that all the time.

So, thank you snow day! I needed this! AND I'm especially excited about tomorrow's snow day as well :) I plan to start my new journey tomorrow with my new goals. I think it's an awesome idea for me since I'm such a procrastinator. I mean, being that I'm not in school anymore I really don't feel like I have a real purpose for doing anything. So I have decided every 5-6 months or so I will create obtainable goals for myself that have purpose and importance. Things like saving a certain amount of money; cooking so many days out of a month instead of pigging out on fast food; losing a certain amount of weight, etc..This way the things I NEED to do will happen if I put a time frame on things as well as creating incentive: self benefit! And will also help me create a routine and not just a "binge practice"- 6 months of change should do the trick. This could really work for me- so I'm being hopeful. I'll share later what my #1 goal is for this "semester" :)

Thanks again Snow Day- you've been great!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post. Really... I can totally relate! I wanna know what your goals are! Post them soon...
